
Ali the Monkey

Ali the Monkey

From the lush rainforests of Langkawi we have Ali the Monkey, chillin’ out on a low-lying branch of his favourite tree. He is the first monkey in Xuan’s Fat Face and Friends collection.

Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

Update (23 September 2013): The Fat Face Monkey pattern is now available for purchase through our Etsy Shop.

Baby Snake

Baby Snake

Happy Lunar New Year everyone! May the Year of the Snake be a joyous and prosperous one for you and your family.

Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

Winston the Owl

Winston the Owl

Hoooo, hoooo, it’s Winston the Owl – the latest in Xuan’s Fat Face and Friends collection. Our feathered friend enjoys relaxing in his tree and sightseeing in his spare time.

Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen