Gary the Seagull
Say g’day to Gary the Seagull – the little beach dweller Xuan created to mark the end of the Australian summer. Cute isn’t he?
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Lindsay Smith

Bubble Leg Monster
Roses are red, violets are blue, monsters have hearts and need love too! Happy Valentine’s Day from the not-so-scary Bubble Leg Monster.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Craftbits

Chu Totoro
Chu Totoro is the blue Totoro character from the Japanese anime My Neighbor Totoro. Xuan made him after a request from her sister in-law. Hope she likes him.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Lucy Ravenscar

Three Baby Elephants
What’s cuter than a baby elephant? Three baby elephants! They’re so cute I couldn’t stop at just one. I’ve named them Marcus, Miles and Gia.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Lion Brand

Andy the Android
Here’s something for the Android fans – please meet Andy the Android. Xuan has made other Andy the Androids before but I think this is her best one yet.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen
Update (10 June 2013): The Andy the Android pattern is now available for purchase through our Etsy Shop.