Sam the Koala
Sam the Koala hopes that all Australians had a happy and safe Australia Day holiday. Australia Day is Australia’s national day and is celebrated annually on 26 January.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

Enter the Baby Dragon
To celebrate the Year of the Dragon Xuan crocheted this baby dragon. We’d like to wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year and may the Year of the Dragon be a joyous and prosperous one.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: SoreLoser (with some modifications)

Basil the Monkey
Say hello to Basil – a timid, long legged monkey sporting a red and white stripped shirt, sitting quietly for the camera. Isn’t he just adorable?
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: ChimuChimu

Angry Birds Showdown
Who doesn’t like Angry Birds. Here we have Red Bird, Blue Bird and Yellow Bird getting ready to face-off with one mean Pig. Doesn’t seem fair does it?
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Bella’s Bunny
I’m very excited as this is our first post on Fat Face and Me! Xuan made this little crocheted bunny rabbit for a friend’s daughter’s first birthday. We sure hope little Isabella liked her pressie.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen