The Year of the Goat
As the end of the Year of the Goat nears we thought we’d give our Billy the Goat another appearance. If you’d like to make your very own Billy the pattern is available for purchase in our Etsy Shop.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

Fat Face Roo
It’s Roo from Winnie the Pooh – Fat Face style! Roo is the fifth Winnie the Pooh character in Xuan’s Fat Face and Friends collection after Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

Classic Mickey Mouse
It’s classic Mickey Mouse, Fat Face style!
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

Monty the Snake
Hsss hsss, it’s our blue reptilian friend, Monty the Snake.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

Fat Face Avengers
It’s the Avengers Fat Face style – just in time for the recent release of the film, Avengers: Age of Ultron. From left to right it’s Captain America, Ironman, Thor and the Hulk.
Note that these patterns are not available for sale.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Patterns: Xuan Nguyen